Hey, my name is

M. Usman

Python, Machine/Deep Learning/Computer Vision Engineer

Years of experience

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Projects done

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My Projects

Aimped-ExclusiveAI models Service related to Healthcare

As an AI Model Deployment Specialist at Aimped, I played a pivotal role in deploying and managing a wide range of AI models related to healthcare and text extraction. Leveraging my expertise, I successfully implemented these models to enhance healthcare processes and streamline text extraction methods. My responsibilities included model selection, integration, and ensuring seamless execution for clients. …

Road Crack Segmentation

AI assisted tool to detect Road Cracks and other major distresses on road using set of Segmentation Deep learning algorithms. This algorithm uses deep learning techniques to analyse images of roads and accurately …

YOUDATA-Anomaly detection in Medical MRI images

Youdata is an AI-powered project that provides Anomaly detection in medical imaging Such as detection of anomalies in organs. Handful set of Segmentation models have been used to Detect anomalies in MRI images and to get mask along with classification of them.

Eyespec NLP based AI system for Summarization

The system provides a summarized version of a PDF document, making it easier to read and understand the specification documents of mechanical instruments. Eyesspec has the capability to extract meaningful information from unstructured text data, transforming ….

Education & Experience


Information TEchnology University (ITU)- Lahore, Pakistan

MSCS Program: Computer Science


Punjab University College of Information Technology - Lahore, Pakistan

BSIT Program: Information & Technology.


Machine Learning / Computer Vision Engineer - Dough.zone, USA

Implementing state-of-the-art deep models for detection and segmentation algorithms on road imagery – Conducting narrow crack segmentation and performing statistical analysis of damaged areas on highways – Leading a team of ML developers, ensuring efficient collaboration throughout the product development lifecycle, from data collection to model deployment – Deploying deep learning models on the cloud using REST APIs for seamless accessibility.


Machine/Deep Learning Egineer - groundup.ai, SIngapore

Developed methods utilizing signal processing and deep learning models for abnormality detection in machine audios – Implemented techniques for noise reduction and cancellation in audio signals – Created RESTful APIs for serving machine learning models Deployed models on the AWS cloud platform to enable seamless access and scalability.


Machine LEarning engineer - AimbotStudio, LHR, PAK

Designed AI solutions for diverse problems in medical imaging, sports video analytics, sensor and signal audio data, and geophysical data – Applied machine learning and deep learning models for classification, detection, segmentation, and custom-made ranking algorithms – Tested and validated state-of-the-art approaches for suitability and effectiveness in product integration – Customized selected approaches to meet specific product requirements – Deployed models and algorithms, ensuring smooth integration and functionality within the product solution – Conducted comprehensive testing to verify performance, accuracy, and reliability of implemented solutions.


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